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Strategy Examples

Part 2

The next step in the plan involved getting buy-in from all advisors and department heads for more than 30 academic programs. I met with them individually to discuss this newly proposed communication workflow.


These meetings allowed me to demonstrate the plan visually using this flow chart, granted me access to insider information and knowledge about the programs, and ultimately helped me earn trust from these important stakeholders moving forward.

KU Edwards Campus Audit

Part 1

I completed a thorough communications audit for all KU Edwards Campus programs. I evaluated and recognized gaps and areas for improvement in our integrated marketing communication plan for student inquiries.


Part 1 of this project features the research report and strategic recommendations I presented to the leadership team.

Part 3

The third and final step in the plan involved execution and evaluation. I wrote email campaigns that featured benefits and services both from an institution level and from a program level. This allows the emails to feel more tailored to students' specific needs and academic interests.


You can see an example of the full email campaign for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) by clicking below or to the right.


I evaluated the performance of the campaign a year after launch, and open rates increased 10-20 percent for most emails and averaged around 50 percent, although it varied by program. Industry standards are about 20 percent. Student inquiry numbers also rose and helped to meet enrollment goals for the campus.

At ConocoPhillips I was tasked with establishing an internal communication plan regarding a new intranet website and system. This was intended to teach employees more about energy efficiency and how to monitor and limit their own carbon footprints in their daily lives.

An in-depth content marketing plan designed to enhance the KU Edwards Campus social media and storytelling efforts and increase student and community engagement. The plan covers the research involved, recommendations for execution, and key performance indicators for follow-up and evaluation.

Additional Communication Plans

Links to other communication plans I have drafted are below. These include an integrated marketing plan for the more than 20 events the KU Office of Admissions hosted annually, communication tactics to various audiences about a Degree in 3 pathway program at KU Edwards Campus, and calling campaigns and strategies for my telecounseling team to recruit students to KU.

This is just a sample.  To read more  >>
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